

The success of any organisation depends on its people. Capitalising on what is unique about individuals and drawing on their different perspectives and experiences will add value to the
way we do business and deliver our objectives.

We aim to create an environment that respects the diversity of staff and students and enables them to achieve their full potential, to contribute fully, and to derive maximum benefit and enjoyment from their involvement in the life of IFG.

To this end, the College acknowledges its responsibilities to:

  • Provide a secure environment in which all our students and staff can flourish and in which all contributions are valid.
  • Provide positive non-stereotyping information about different ethnic groups and people with disabilities.
  • Make inclusion a thread which runs through all our activities in the delivery of the programme.
  • Create an ethos in which students and staff feel valued and secure.
  • Build self-esteem and confidence in our students, so that they can then use these qualities to influence their own relationships with others.
  • Remove or minimize barriers to learning, so that all students can achieve.
  • Ensure that our teaching takes into account the learning needs of all students through our schemes of work and lesson planning.
  • Make clear to our students what constitutes aggressive, discriminatory and racist behaviour.
  • Identify clear procedures for dealing quickly with incidents of discriminatory behaviour.
  • Make students and staff confident to challenge discriminatory, racist and aggressive behaviour.
  • Promote equality of opportunity between disabled people and non-disabled people.

These rights carry with them responsibilities. IFG requires all members of the community to recognise these rights and to act in accordance with them in all dealings with fellow members of the College. In addition, IFG will comply with all relevant legislation and good practice.

No individual will be unjustifiably discriminated against. This includes, but not exclusively, discrimination because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation.


The Academic Director has the overall responsibility for ensuring that IFG operates within a framework of equality of opportunity.

The Academic Board will ensure that all policies, procedures and practices meet the highest standards of compliance.

IFG recognises that all of its staff and students have a duty to support and uphold the principles contained in its Equal Opportunities Policy and supporting policies, working with other committees as appropriate.

Dealing with discrimination

IFG is committed to creating and sustaining a positive and mutually supportive working environment for our staff and an excellent teaching and learning experience for our students, where individuals are equally valued and respected. Bullying, harassment or victimisation of any individual will not be tolerated and any allegations will be taken seriously and dealt with appropriately under the relevant procedure.

Complaints against discrimination or inequality treatment

All the students, staff and lecturers of IFG can make formal complaints against any kind of discrimination or inequality in treatment meted out to them.

The complaints against discrimination or inequality will be treated confidentially.

The complaints received are formally acknowledged and actions taken are intimated to the complainant.

On receipt of a complaint, The Academic Director may consider constituting a special committee to investigate and take appropriate measures and decisions.

Monitoring Equality and diversity

The Academic Board monitors the equality and diversity issues and ensures that the policy is implemented at all times. A summary statement on equal opportunities for students and staff of the College will be reviewed every twelve months at Academic Board meetings. Appropriate actions are planned and included in the Academic Board action plans where necessary.

The information related to ensuring Equal Opportunities will be used only for the monitoring purposes and shall always be kept confidential.

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