
IFG expects students to attend all teaching sessions. Our courses are intensive and rigorous, and only those who attend regularly are likely to attain the knowledge and skills necessary to pass their assessments and make academic progress.

Out of courtesy to tutors and fellow students, you are expected to arrive punctually for teaching sessions.

We appreciate that sometimes it is not possible for a student to attend due to illness or other unavoidable circumstance. In these cases, absences can be authorised by the College. However, for an authorised absence to be considered, students must contact the College at least one hour prior to the start of the teaching session by email to: info@intfoundationgroup.co.uk.

Therefore, both for academic and compliance reasons, the following rules on attendance and punctuality have been put in place.

  1. All students must note that it is their responsibility to ensure regular attendance.
  2. If a student is going to miss a lesson due to unexpected and unavoidable circumstances, then he or she should inform the College by email. This email should be sent to: info@intfoundationgroup.co.uk should be sent at least one hour prior to the start of the lesson and should state the lesson(s) which will be missed and the reason for absence. On receipt of this email, we will give you an authorised absence meaning that your absence will not affect your overall attendance percentage.
  3. We will reserve the right to ask for supporting evidence for authorised absences.
  4. If a student’s attendance is consistently poor, he/she will be asked to attend a meeting with the Academic Director to explain why he/she is missing classes. Ultimately, poor attendance can lead to exclusion from end of term assessments and/or exclusion from the College.
  5. An attendance register will be completed by the tutor at the beginning of each teaching session. Students will be marked as Present, Absent, Late or Authorised Leave.
  6. Students will be marked as Late if they arrive after the starting time of the lesson. Two Lates will equal one Absence
  7. Teachers have the authority (at their discretion) to refuse entry to students who arrive more than 15 minutes late and to tell the student to come back after the mid-lesson break.
  8. Teachers have the authority (at their discretion) to refuse entry to students who arrive more than 15 minutes late and to tell the student to come back after the mid-lesson break.
  9. Students should be aware that it will be difficult to write a favourable UCAS reference if they are not attending well.
  10. Final transcripts will include an attendance percentage, and a grade will accompany this percentage: 90-100% Excellent, 80-89% Good, 0-79% Unsatisfactory.

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